Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Final Post of BITE 5200

I can hardly believe this is the last required post of BITE 5200! This has been a great class. I have learned how to blog. Actually, I had never really been interested in blogging, but it has been fun. I have enjoyed reading my classmates' blogs as well.

Since it is Thanksgiving this week, I want to end this blog with giving thanks for my many blessings! I have a wonderful husband and two terrific sons. I am also thankful for the opportunity to go back to school. Learning is a passion of mine and hopefully, after I graduate, I will be able to teach others the importance of learning and improving oneself through education. I am thankful for my job. It is because of our President at the college where I work that I have been able to continue my education. Education is stressed by the administration and all employees are encouraged to further their education.

Since we have just celebrated Veterans' Day, I am very thankful for the many people who have sacrificed their lives for my freedom! I am also thankful for the soldiers that are fighting for my freedom today. It reminds me of Christ who also gave His life for my freedom as well. I cannot go and fight; therefore, I want to say 'thank you' for all the veterans that may read this and anyone who is currently serving our great country!

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to count your blessings!


  1. I agree it has been fun blogging and reading everyone elses. Learning is definitely a blessing and it is great that you realize that and everything else good in your life!!

  2. I am glad you enjoy blogging now. It can be a very useful tool to "tell your story." Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  3. I had fun with the blogging too. I wasn't sure that I would like it but it was fun.

    Valerie Heiney

  4. Enjoyed reading your blog. I hope that you have a Merry Christmas.

  5. Merry Christmas!! If we took a little more time to count our blessings, we wouldn't have so much to worry about :-)
