Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Final Post of BITE 5200

I can hardly believe this is the last required post of BITE 5200! This has been a great class. I have learned how to blog. Actually, I had never really been interested in blogging, but it has been fun. I have enjoyed reading my classmates' blogs as well.

Since it is Thanksgiving this week, I want to end this blog with giving thanks for my many blessings! I have a wonderful husband and two terrific sons. I am also thankful for the opportunity to go back to school. Learning is a passion of mine and hopefully, after I graduate, I will be able to teach others the importance of learning and improving oneself through education. I am thankful for my job. It is because of our President at the college where I work that I have been able to continue my education. Education is stressed by the administration and all employees are encouraged to further their education.

Since we have just celebrated Veterans' Day, I am very thankful for the many people who have sacrificed their lives for my freedom! I am also thankful for the soldiers that are fighting for my freedom today. It reminds me of Christ who also gave His life for my freedom as well. I cannot go and fight; therefore, I want to say 'thank you' for all the veterans that may read this and anyone who is currently serving our great country!

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to count your blessings!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Creating my web pages

Where does time go? It seems like the semester just began and it's almost over! Just about 3 weeks to go. I have enjoyed my BITE 5200 class because it has allowed me to be creative. Even though each project has taken a great deal of time, they have been fun. I have designed a website for our current assignment. I have very limited knowledge on how to design a website, so it is simple. This website gives brief highlights of a mission trip to Honduras last summer.

Check it out: Debbie's Homepage

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!