Saturday, October 3, 2009

Learning to use Camtasia

It is hard to believe this semester is passing so quickly! I have just completed my projects using SnagIt and Camtasia. I have used Camtasia in the past but I had never heard of SnagIt. It is really a neat program to learn. I thought it was fairly easy and I really liked the options available to change a picture.

Let me tell you my story using Camtasia. I also had a large group project due in one of my other classes this week so I thought I would use Camtasia to produce a really nice video with an image of myself along with voice narration. I created this nice powerpoint presentation and used Camtasia to add voice and video of myself. I completed the recording fairly quickly and easily. Then I spent the next two hours trying to produce my video as a .wmv file. I have never been so frustrated in all my life.

Finally, I emailed some of my group members and asked them if they knew much about Camtasia and immediately I received two responses. Boy, did I feel silly after realizing that I had not moved my recording to the timeline! Such a simple but very important step in producing my video. Then I was able to complete the project. After going through all of that earlier this week, this week's assignment using Camtasia in BITE 5200 was really easy.

As the semester progresses, I find myself busier and busier. There are so many projects due this semester. I am only taking two classes, but they still take a lot of my time. Now you know my adventures this week with Camtasia. I hope your experience with Camtasia has been much smoother.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your tough time with Camtasia....but I'm glad that you figured it out. It took me a little while to produce my presentation as well. My favorite program is SnagIt...I wish it was a free program because I would most def. keep it! Good luck with your classes and I look forward to reading more of your blogs. God Bless :)

  2. I liked using Camtasia and Snagit as well. They take some time to learn but are great tools. Too bad they aren't free!
    Valerie Heiney

  3. It is amazing how technology is suppose to be such a helpful thing but it really can add a lot of stress sometimes. Glad you go the issue worked out though!!
